Sunday, November 13, 2005

EVERY CLOUD.....................

..................... has a silver lining, and I have just found mine.

After months of being out of work, watching hard earned savings dwindling to nothing, just to keep our heads above water, we have come to the point where being property rich and cash poor, the house has gone on the market this week. The wolves are at the door, howling for money we just don't have. I have cried many tears of frustration, desperation and complete and utter sadness at finding myself in this awful position, but at the same time, because of, at times, a debilitating clinical depression, unable to make a positive move. Like a rabbit frozen by fear in the headlights of life. - not the me I used to be.

Problems with aged parents, whom I love to distraction, divided loyalties, guilt by the truckload, and trying to balance the whole lot and trying to appear "normal" outside of my immediate environment.

Well, that's the self-indulgent bit over with. Did I hear a sigh of relief out there? I'd better get to this silver lining before you all die of boredom.

Have you ever had something in the back of your mind, that niggles and wriggles for years on end. It is a thought of "I'd love to do that" and really you think you never will, because it's a huge life change and "other" people do things like that, and you carry on with the drudge of every day life, going to work, paying the mortgage etc. etc. and view "those who dare" with a sigh of envy.

The silver lining has appeared in the form of a 68 feet larch on oak fishing vessel converted to live aboard, complete with a rayburn cooker in the galley and full size bath in one of the bathrooms.

Him Indoors and I have been feverishly reseaching all things maritime, from moorings to courses on navigation.

Instead of paying rent on a house and putting money in the pocket of someone else, this boat will be bought for cash and will be our home. A total life change that has it's pitfalls (I'm not going into this with rose tinted glasses), but it will never be the life again of a hamster in a wheel with the government waiting in the wings to take as much of away from you as it can.

I am going to enjoy my life, earn money from the experience and have a freedom that is known to few people. All it takes is the guts and the determination to make a leap, and I have not felt so brave and determined for a long long time.

I feel another blogsite coming on.

Kats :0)


Blogger David Evans said...

Good for you, I wish you all the best in your future abode and would love to see some pictures if that's possible. Is this a boat that can be sailed in then? If so it sounds great.

7:21 PM  
Blogger Fi said...

Kats that's brilliant!! Good for you and I am so jealous! Will you anchor somewhere or stay mobile? I'd love to see piccies too. Waow, a home that you can travel in/with, I've never wanted anything more!!
All the best to you both

8:59 PM  
Blogger Kim Ayres said...

Absolutely fantastic! I barely know you, but I'm incredibly proud of you! As someone who has gone through massive upheaval to pursue a life worth living, I can say that you will go through more blood, sweat and tears than you ever have in your life, but it will be worth every bit. You will be alive!

10:10 AM  
Blogger Fi said...

Hi Kats,not Glasgow....Aberdeen!! I'm a west coaster originally though, that's where my heart is!

12:06 PM  
Blogger Colcam said...

What can I say, Kats?

I'm excited for you both.

Could be the best thing ever, and I wish you both every happiness. It's a great chance, and I'm sure you wont regret going for it.

But I hope we are not going to stop hearing from you.

9:15 PM  
Blogger kats said...

Thankyou one and all. Exciting innit!

I'll not be going anywhere without my laptop.

And yes we will be at sea, mobile as and when, photographing wildlife and writing.


11:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

isn't it wild how we are forced into a better life some times,good luck and I would like to hear from you from time to time,I was kind a forced into the life i live to day back in 1985 and the longer it goes the better it gets
John Holden

11:23 AM  
Blogger Gaea Phoenix Qandromeda said...

Hell, yeah!!

'Have you ever had something in the back of your mind, that niggles and wriggles for years on end. It is a thought of "I'd love to do that" and really you think you never will, because it's a huge life change and "other" people do things like that, and you carry on with the drudge of every day life, going to work, paying the mortgage etc. etc. and view "those who dare" with a sigh of envy'

Nooo...*sarcasm*...not me...

I think it's brilliant. I can't wait to hear of your adventures...

Keep being brave. Don't let the fear take you. You're doing well.

1:59 PM  

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