As I was going about my business this morning, as you do. I heard a loud yelp from our Border collie - Kali.
I looked up into the saloon from the galley and there she stood looking down at me with copious amounts of blood wending it's way across the floor. She had ripped a claw right out and it was hanging off. (Makes you wince, don't it?).
So, off to the vets for a very fetching flourescent pink bandage with smiley faces on it and 2 injections - anitbiotics and pain killer.
So here she is above some hours later milking it for everything she can get, and getting it!
Poor Kali...Did they give her the "Good" drugs? I got the good drugs, vicodin, because a root canaled tooth is abscessing...wheee. Kali looks like she's on the doggie form of vicodin. Good for her. Watch out for the nausea, though.
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